Friday, August 31, 2007

well, there goes the shed :(

Good Morning everyone :) 

(insert "sigh" here)  Well, the day before yesterday, I had gotten home from work, been here about an hour, was in Cindy's and I's room getting laundry to wash and hark! what do I hear? this "whirring" sound going down the road, then a loud "pop" and the boys set up a racket of noise - I peek out the window blinds and I see the front end of a car sticking out from the side of the shed on the side of the house...or actually the front right corner of the house.  I'm like "what the hell?" so I go tearing out the side door and this old 80 or so year old woman comes out of the car!  She had been coming back from the dentist got the top of the hill to the left of the house, lost control of her car, took out 5 or 6 mailboxes (including ours) brought one of them with her (it was sitting in the road with our mailbox and mail everywhere) went into the ditch in front of our house, hit the culvert, spun the car again, went backwards in between a power pole with a huge generator on top of it and our big magnolia tree - took out our blasted shed!! it's sitting out there on the side, just hanging...that shed covers the old well and the piping out there.  That shed is no I go back in the house, grab the phone, call 911 - get a state trooper out here, they sent an ambulance to because they weren't sure if there would be a need for it (and with a 80ish year old woman I don't blame them) I was scared to touch her in case there WAS something wrong that wasn't immediately noticable...her husband shows up and he was the biggest a**hole !  he started calling her names and telling her she was driving like a maniac etc. etc. and I was like bud you better chill the hell out because in a minute I'm gonna rake your ass over the coals for being such a fool!  Poor woman was in freaking shock! I was petting her back (figured that was safe enough) trying to calm her down, she's crying, he's yelling at her...the trooper is sitting in his car writing up the report, I'm standing there in the full sun pouring sweat damn well going to have a heat stroke I just knew it  lol.  I had called Cindy a little earlier (a couple minutes after the 911 call) told her someone had just wrecked in our front yard and took out the shed - so she came home (thank the Goddess) and she told the old buzzard of a husband that he needed to go easy and to calm down...etc. etc. Anyway... the claim adjuster (ours) came out yesterday and did a report on the shed (we have StateFarm by the way - they are  GREAT!!) got a estimate on what it would cost to replace the shed - and they are dealing with their (the woman & butthead of a husbands) insurance company...PLUS the highway department was out here yesterday morning and replaced the mailbox pole and reattached our mailbox :)  I was frankly surprised about the quickness of the response on the whole deal.  I'm just very glad that the woman wasn't killed or seriously injured.  A foot to the right or left and she would have hit either the power pole or the tree going pretty fast and it would not have been good either way.   Okay, that's the drama for this week  lol.

The b/f situation is going, but I had a talk with Cindy on this past Sunday morning and I feel a lot better about it.  The b/f is going to Shreveport this weekend to meet her mother and go gambling at the Casino's there...this weekend is my birthday on Saturday and our anniversary on Sunday and Cindy and I are both off on Monday (Labor Day) so we will have 3 days all to ourselves :)  Isn't that great :)

Enough for now, will try to write more in the next couple days or so...

Love to all of you*****


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness!  so gld she wasn't terribly hurt and that it's only your shed that was damaged to any great degree.  I hope you and Cindy really enjoy your day off on Monday together!

Anonymous said...

Teresa, OMG that is so scary, glad that woman was'nt hurt, Happy early birthday to you, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that poor woman wasn't hurt.  You're right.  A little to the left or right and it could have been a different story!  Enjoy your time this weekend.

Anonymous said...

See previous entry Teresa wanted that shed replaced anyway......point is and this is her direct quote "I did not want it THAT way".  Mental note be careful what you wish for.  lol

Anonymous said...

Wow..that's like something out of a movie!! Glad the poor old lady was okay...Happy Birthday for tomorrow!!!! How many years for you and Cindy?? happy Anniversary too!

Anonymous said...

HOLY MOSES!  What the hell..... ROFL  I'm sure you were standing there for a minute like 'that dod NOT just happen.'


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, sorry, but I did have to laugh at all of that.......... OMFG, what an arsehole of a husband!
Glad everything turned out ok though.
Gaz xxxx

Anonymous said...

If you see that woman again, tell her that 80 is NOT too old to get a divorce. I can't believe how some husbands talk to their wives. Mine would be looking for his head in the culvert. Makes you glad to be with someone like Cindy, huh? Now, you two enjoy your weekend. --Cin

Anonymous said...

Wow, if she were a stunt driver, she couldn't have done better. Poor woman, she's probably been married to that jerk for 50 years. I hope you have a Great Anniersary and a Happy Birthday. Margo