Thursday, October 2, 2008

More news...

Okay everyone, I now have a Blogspot addy ~ here it is... hope to see you all there (as well as My Space cuz I can do neat things with graphics LOL).  (((Hugz everyone))).



let me know if the link works 'k?



Anonymous said...

I just tried the LINK.  It works wonderfully!  Me?  I still don't have a blog there.   I will though.  I don't know if I am going to keep this S/N :  /   I liked my 1st S/N.  I was the first ShadowDancer/ ShdwDancer.  So I may very well go back to it.   We'll see and I'll be letting you know either way.  ((hugs))  Bethe

Anonymous said...

Teresa, sooner or later I will figure out the Blogger website, Hugs Lisa