Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mabon ~ The Autumn Equinox

Blessed Mabon !
Mabon (pronounced)  "May-bon", "Mah - Boon", "Mah - bawn"  there are several ways of pronouncing this harvest holiday to Pagans/Wiccan's.  It is most generally known as "The Autumn Equinox".
"Mabon" itself is celebrated on September 21st thru the 23rd depending on where you are on the planet, Northern or Southern Hemisphere - it is when the day and night are now again equal, from this point forward the nights will become longer and longer till the longest night of the year which is also "Yule" or "Candlemas" or "The Winter Solstice" which is celebrated on December 21st.  Then it reverses itself and from THAT point on the nights get shorter and the days gradually longer.  Hopefully time and my memory allowing me I will write about Yule when it comes close to time.  As it is I'm hoping to remember to write about Samhain (pronounced Sow - Win) which is October 31st.
Here is a graphic of the Pagan "Wheel of the Year" showing all the festivals etc. in the order that they come in - Showing Samhain at the top of the wheel, this being because Samhain is also considered the Pagan/Wiccan New Year.
Mabon - is the first "technical" day of Autumn, it's no longer Summer (insert big YAYYYYYY YIPPEEEE !!!!!! here). 
To me, personally it is the ending of the harvest, when the crops are being finished being brought in for the Winter, the gathering of the herd animals to see which are fattest to prepare to butcher for the coming long Winter days... to insure that the populace does not starve.  Remember, this time of year has been celebrated and acknowledged since before Christianity was ever conceived of.  Hence the term "Pagan".
Sheesh, my poor mind is wandering already here... so I am going to include some links to other web sites that will be able to explain and define more clearly than I seem to be able to here  : x.
I hope that you all enjoy and that maybe it helps explain a little of my Spirituality to you.
Blessed Be!


Anonymous said...

Merry Mabon to you, Teresa. We usually celebrate with a roots-and-grains harvest dinner. Today we watched the little birds pulling apart the sunflowers, as if on cue that autumn has finally arrived. --Cin

Anonymous said...

Hope your enjoying your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Mabon is a blessed time to me, too, a few moments of balance in an unbalanced world. I sometimes think I am in the process of Mabon in my life-a time to harvest the wisdom I have grown or gathered as I move slowly into the next segment of my life: old age (NO, I'm not sayiong I'm actually elderly yet, but I am definitely a crone these days.) Anyway, this is what your entry brought to my mind, and I thank you for it. Enjoy Autumn to its fullest! Blessed Be. Margo

Anonymous said...

Teresa, Merry Mabon to you !!!!!!!!!! Hope you are feeling better and having a great weekend, Hugs and Love Lisa

Anonymous said...

Teresa, what beautiful graphics.  Thanks for those links, I'll have to check them out more thoroughly(just skimmed for now).   Why I love Autumn is a mystery to me, but I feel so at home this time of year.  Thanks for this entry.
                            Blessings,  Leigh

Anonymous said...

Very interesting post Teresa.  I learned alot that I didn't know before!