Friday, August 1, 2008

Was over at Sunny Bethe's journal and she had taken a quiz there, so I meandered over to the site and took my own test LOL  never did find the one she had I took this one... I'm a "Cat" according to The Animal Archetype Test <g>


Your result for The Animal Archetype Test...

The Cat

Domestic, Solitary, Serious, Intelectual: you are the Cat! Cat represents a balance of strength in both physical and spiritual, psychic and sensual powers, merging these two worlds into one. Curious, intelligent, and physically adept, cat people tend to live in a world all their own.

This test categorized you based on four different axes of personality, which were then associated with a different animal. The four axes, as well as all possible results are explained below.

Wild/Domestic: This first axis categorizes you based on how much you are drawn to the outdoors, versus how much you are drawn to civilized situations. Domesticity has many shapes and forms, and varies from the joy of dolphins leaping next to a ship to the steadfast loyalty of a family dog.

Gregarious/Solitary: This axis measures how solitary you are. If you scored high, it means that you enjoy the company of other people, while a low score indicates that you prefer a more solitary lifestyle.

Trickster/Serious: This axis measures how well you line up with conventional trickster archetypes. People who fall into this archetype have a sense of humor and an excitable, highly chaotic streak. Scoring low doesn't mean that you don't have a sense of humor; it just means that you probably don't think dynamite is very funny.

Intellectual/Emotional: This last axis determines whether you are more emotional -- acting based on feelings and instinct, or rational and intelectual -- acting more on thought than on your gut feelings.

Wild Gregarious Trickster Intellectual The Hyena
Wild Gregarious Trickster Emotional The Otter
Wild Gregarious Serious Intellectual The Antelope
Wild Gregarious Serious Emotional The Wolf
Wild Solitary Trickster Intellectual The Weasel
Wild Solitary Trickster Emotional The Coyote
Wild Solitary Serious Intellectual The Raven
Wild Solitary Serious Emotional The Frog
Domestic Gregarious Trickster Intellectual The Fox
Domestic Gregarious Trickster Emotional The Dolphin
Domestic Gregarious Serious Intellectual The Horse
Domestic Gregarious Serious Emotional The Dog
Domestic Solitary Trickster Intellectual The Rat
Domestic Solitary Trickster Emotional The Ferret
Domestic Solitary Serious Intellectual The Cat
Domestic Solitary Serious Emotional The Squirrel

Take The Animal Archetype Test at HelloQuizzy


Anonymous said...

I didnt' take the test, but I guess I would be a hyena! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmm, interesting hon, Love Lisa

Anonymous said...

I am The Dog, which is just fine by me considering I have 11 of them!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Teresa


Thank you so much for brightening my blog with all your kindness lately! It's such a pleasure to see you have been by for a visit! I meant to drop by sooner, to let you know how much it has meant, but I am here now, so thanks so much.

I have had a look around here, and I must say, you have a wonderful, artistic journal! Wonderful artwork and colors! I enjoyed my visit here very much, and I see by your sidebar that we have some things in common. I love Ghost Hunters, and Ghost Whisperer. Me thinks you and I probably share a great love for all things autumn and Halloween! :) Anyway, once again thanks for all your kind words of late, and the visits. I will be back to say hello again soon. Take good care.

All my best, Carly

Anonymous said...

Very interesting Teresa!  I haven't taken the test but I have always seen myself as a cat for some strange reason.  I will have to take it sometime when I have a bit more time to spend and see if I am right!  Have a lovely week!

Anonymous said...

LOL...the ugly blue Smiley face grabbed you!  It was  pretty cool site, though.  I'm not surprised the you are a "Cat".  The description sounds so much like you.  Are you a "trickster"?  I'll have to try this one.  hugs, Bethe

Anonymous said...

Hi T. I am exhaling! LOL