Friday, March 7, 2008


Ok, Ms. Teresa is NOT in a good mood this morning, nor was she yesterday either for that matter.
Most of the reason is PMS, it's driving me nuts ~ I'm irritable about most everything and anything. I have cramps, I'm feeling bitchy, whiney, totally out of patience. So, if you don't wish to read about this then the little red "X" up in the upper right hand corner is for you. (smiling as I write that).
Okay, yesterday at lunch shift (work) 3 of the other server's didn't show up for their shifts so the one's of us that were responsible and there like we were supposed to be had to take up their slack this made lunch rush very interesting and freaking stressful.  I get this one 8 top ~ with the prima donna of princesses (blonde bimbo that is spoiled rotten and utterly snobbish sort with her darling "daddy" in tow & her "admiring" court of admirers) wonder if Paris Hilton is like this??? I don't know if the best pay check in the world could cover having to deal with spoilt rotten bytches!  Other than making sure you are in their will substantially and hiring a hit squad with the paycheck ROFL!! Oh jeez, I'm in a mood aren't I?  Anyway ~ on with the princess story, she starts placing these orders around very sneeringly and nasty.  I go to the table to take the order and she's trying to tell me how to do this and do that, me? I ignore her ass and go to everyone else on the table and take their orders and leave her to last...she wasn't happy lol.  I looked at her with a look in my eyes (my boss says) that said " I'm not impressed with you nor your antics, you aren't going to push me around & I will NOT deal with your attitude so go ahead, make my day and then I smile (if you call baring of one's teeth to someone a smile) ~ anyway, it's not like we weren't swamped, ran over, buried up to our eyeteeth with other "guests" (which by the way of course, happens on the day 3 others don't show up for their shifts) we were asking everyone to please bide with us that we were short server's and woulddo the best we could.  Most everyone was ok with that.  My boss was still chuckling about how I handled the blonde bytch lol.  Been doing this kind of work for far too long to let her get to me. (sigh) then of course last night's shift was waaaaaaaaaay slow.
It's been raining all afternoon yesterday and last night, still is this morning except it's turning to ice and snow now.  I'm talking to Cindy on the phone now (she's on her way to work and she said it's snowing).
All right, I guess that's enough "grumping" for now.  I hope everyone has a good day.
(No, not all the time, just some of the times <grin>)


Anonymous said...

That is what journalling is about- expression! Girl, you can express! Dannelle

Anonymous said...

I sure hope you get to feeling better.  PMS is the pitts!  I personally can't wait to go thru the change of life! LOL

Anonymous said...

Teresa, sorry you got stuck with that bitch at your table, you handled her really well though, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

I don't have much patience for people like that either hon! Glad you didn't let her get to you. I've been in a mood myself lately...I want to write, but I don't.....

Lets just say I've recently had a couple of friends who felt the need to pull the rug out from under me. I don't mind having friends with a difference of opinion, but I do mind the fact they feel they are helping by being downright hurtful. I've never been anything but loving and supportive to the friends I have. Why do people find the need to try and trash your hopes and dreams? Are they somewhat jealous or just plain vindictive....I've never done this before, but I'm beginning to cull (narrow down who I associate with) my friendships. You my friend have always been nothing short of loving and supportive of me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry I unloaded on you, sigh....this bull***t has been weighing me down alot lately....(Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Give yourself some credit...I would have been jailed for murder long ago if I worked with the public!


Anonymous said...

Sorry that you're not feeling well, and that you're having a bad day. Hope it gets better soon.

Best Wishes

PS. It sounds like you handled the situation well.

Anonymous said...

No, you're not 'bad'. Not for telling like it is.  Hope the bytch didn't give you trouble after that.
Hope you are feeling better and you can enjoy the weekend with Cindy.

hugzz,  Bethe    

Anonymous said...

I always really enjoyed waitressing when I did that type of work.  I am just a people person I guess and I love to please.  Occasionally though we did get a real jerk as a customer and that was a bit of a downer, but for the most part I found people to be very nice and congenial.  I kind of miss the work now that I am in the kitchen instead, but then again, I love my job.
Have a great weekend,

Anonymous said...

hope you are feeling better...;-)

Anonymous said...

Nothin worse than a blonde Biatch, especially when she's out of a bottle!
Gaz xxxx ;-)