Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Mind Warp

I don't know who the artist is for this photograph, but who ever it is?  I love it.  Her eyes are beyond beautiful, her face is fae, like she doesn't belong in this world.  If the artist does happen to find their way to my journal and they don't wish to have it here, please email me and I will gladly remove it, I mean no disrespect.  Thanks.

Okay, I sound like I'm in a weird place in my head, that's probably because I am.  This is going to be one of my bytching and moaning sessions, I don't mean to bring anyone down, I don't even know really what to write; it's all emotions, feelings and this place I go to within myself - a very small place where it's safe to be, you know?  maybe you don't and haven't the ability to understand it but that's ok too.

I go thru these phases & I know it has to do completely with my body's chemistry or rather my brain's chemistry esp. (excuse me you guys who read this) esp. when it comes time for my "Moon Days" or my menstrual cycle and it seems the older I get, the more intense and psychologically draining it is.  My moods swing way out to left field and I get these awful emotional "drops" inside.  Most of you know or have read that I do suffer from depression at times - these bouts can swing from very minor to very harsh and very deep... this one is swinging towards the "very deep" not quite the worst, but not in the middle either.  I've suffered the depression from childhood so it's not a new thing to me, it's merely when I was younger I was able to deal with it easier or would that be ignore it?  it's been such a part of my life that it is part of who I am, I don't think there is a medication out there that can do anything at all for it and believe me, I've tried many of them.  My mind keeps wishing to carry on chit chat with me and I feel like sticking my fingers in my ears and saying "neener, neener, neener - I can't hear you so you might as well be quiet" and humming just to drown out the freaking noise.  That sounds so off the wall doesn't it?  it sounds like this chick is crazy, fruit of the loom, over and out nuts.  I'm not.  It just hits me this way sometimes and I can't do a thing about it except avoid it.  So - that's what I do - I avoid.  I avoid tv, I avoid people, I avoid writing, anything that makes me have to focus on it.  When my focus is bad this is generally why it's bad.  It is hard to even move beyond the front door of the house, much less room to room or even just to get out of the bed.  It freaking sucks and I hate it, but I deal.

I know at times to those that have been reading for any amount of time that I seem to explain or talk about this issue periodically throughout my writings... thing is?  I feel like I have to explain, not only to you ~ but to myself and writing it helps me put a face and a silencer on that bytch inside of my head.

Cindy is such a help when this hits me... she loves me so much.  Sometimes I wonder if my "disability" is too much for her to deal with or even why she would want to.  I love her very deeply & intensely, with all my heart and soul.  She makes me smile when no one else can but the cats' and the dogs'.  So, thank you Baby for being my sunshine :)

The puppies are growing leaps and bounds, like I mentioned a couple entries ago, they are pretty much potty trained, they know how to sit on command, they go to the door when they want to go out, they don't fuss anymore about being in the dog run outside (they only go out for a hour or so a day mainly to get rid of some of that puppy energy they have in copious amounts lol) they whine when they want to come inside.  They are learning that they can bark..they've made friends with the cats...esp. Heathen - he's a lot more laid back than Kizmet; Heathen butts heads with the puppies in affection and he tolerates alot of their licking, chewing etc. to a point, then he hisses and balls up that paw with the claws extended like "ok, that's way enough you two, easy on my freaking ears"  lol.  Lares and Draco are curled up at my feet right now with their heads on my slippers...isn't that sweet??  great foot warmers they are.

Okay, that's enough for now... the next entry (yes, it will be today) will be my recipes that I cooked last week.  I don't know how many of you like recipes? cooking/baking? all that much.... but this is Marie's journal and she has some awsome recipes in there...She's in the United Kingdom and is a beautiful, sweet, loving woman...   Marie's Muses   check her out :)





Anonymous said...

we all go thru things like that..some deeper then others... hope you bounce back soon.
love ya

Anonymous said...

I have been where you are and had some pretty weird shit happen because of it. I know, you know it will pass.................. In the mean time bring on the recipes!!!!!
G xxxxxx

Anonymous said...

I know on a deep level what your experiences with depression is like. I know my depression started early-the first I can remembber I was about seven, but have flashes of memory that make me suspect it began earlier. My mind does what i call ruminating, too. It's like chewing the cud of memory, running what I should have, could have, ought to have said or done until I want to run away sceaming. Meds help a lot, but cannot stop it. Sometimes when I try to explain, people look at me as if I am one banana short of a bunch. I hope that you are in the process of emerging, because I feel a real kinship. Blessings, Margo

Anonymous said...

Some meds have helped me, many haven't or just worked for a short while.  What seems to help me the most is writing it all out and/or drawing.  Sometimes the depression just needs to say its peace and be heard.  Or seen.


Anonymous said...

Hey, that doesn't sound "off the wall" at all. I know that meds help me but they need to be changed occasionally because they STOP working. I don't know why that is. Hopefully, they'll keep coming out with new ones for the rest of my life :-) I wish you could find one that really helps. But love helps too, right? Sounds like you and Cindy have something that many dream of: true love. --Cin

Anonymous said...

I think most women suffer from some kind of depression. Hope you had a nice Valentine's.

Anonymous said...

I don't know know how else to say this , except to say your not alone hon. I know it's definately worse over the winter for most. And yes, it can be quite disabling. It almost took my life 2 years ago. (I know hard to believe). But I do find strength within my journal and my animals. I also know from experience when your at your lowest it helps to know that someone is holding a hand out to you to help you back to yourself. I love how you talk of the love you and Cindy have. Some people wait a life time and never find that kind of love. Your lucky to have her for strength. But I also want you to know I'm here if you should ever need someone to listen to your voices with you. I'll be that hand that is there should you need it. It's weird I wrote about just this same subject in my last Journal entry. (Hugs) Love Ya Indigo